Saturday, April 4, 2009


So apparently I have thumbs that are overly flexible. I’m practically done my degree and I find this out now! Better now than never though I suppose. I would NOT want to be going out into the workforce naively thinking that my thumbs were average. Especially if it were to come up in an interview question, imagine?
Interviewer: So Richard, we’d like to just make sure that your perspective jive’s with our own. So to start off, how would you rate your thumbs, a) normal b) abnormal or c) all thumbs are pretty much the same.
Me: well I think they’re all pretty similar but that’s a wishy-washy answer, I’ll go with A.
Interviewer: Honestly?
Me, self-consciously: uh, yeah.
Interviewer: Wow - chuckle – that was meant to be a give-away answer but you somehow failed it miserably. I’m going to have to ask you to take your resume and those freak thumbs of yours and leave.
I’m sure glad I’ll be able to avoid that sort of situation now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Richard, this interview scenario has always worried me too. Fortunately, I have made it this far without it impeding my career too severely. You come by your flexible thumbs honestly - Dad